Major project ready to go

Public notices went up yesterday announcing our intention to rewire St Michael’s.  We would hope to have the resulting ‘faculty’ (sort of ‘ecclesiastical planning permission’, essential especially for historic church buildings) in place for work to begin in the middle of August.  Permission is already in place for some preparatory replastering in June of small areas where damp had got in before the major reroofing project a few years ago.  The rewiring will include a major upgrade of our lighting design (people will be astonished when they see how brightly the almost-invisible Victorian murals will show up).  Redecoration consequential on all this should then follow in 2020.  About £6000 of grants are in place (mainly through the hard work of Churchwarden and Treasurer) and further donations are eagerly solicited (there is a donate button on this website!) but most of the funding will have to come from the two building funds which the church itself and the Friends of the Bronte Church have been squirreling away.  The Friends and others were as busy as ever over the 40s Weekend bringing in £1000 or so from their regular stall and from serving refreshments.  It has been an extraordinary few days – a good number of 40s Weekend attenders joined us for a memorable special service on Sunday whilst Churches Together’s Pop Up Shop on Main Street raised around £2400 for Christian Aid.

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