Marriages & Baptisms

Weddings and Baptisms

At Haworth Church we consider it a privilege to be part of the special occasions in people’s lives.


We enjoy having weddings in our churches, so do contact Revd. Oli Preston using the contact form at the right of the menu at the top of the page.

You need to know that any Church of England church can only legally register a marriage where one or both of you has one of a list of particular links with the parish. Examples are that you once lived here, a parent has lived here during your life-time, or a parent was married here. We are not allowed to go ahead if it is simply that you love the place (or love the Brontës!), although we could still arrange a blessing service for your marriage.

You also need to know that things are more complicated (but not impossible!) if one or other of you is not a British citizen or if one or other of you has been married before, so do make contact early so we can talk this through and be sure we can go ahead.

Thanksgiving and Baptism Services

We welcome everyone connected with our church and parish to have a service to thank God for the safe arrival of a new child.

If you would like to have your child baptised this can be arranged after a little appropriate preparation.  For more information please read here, so do contact Revd. Oli Preston using the contact form at the right of the menu at the top of the page.