Church steps on Main Street

Many people will have noticed that we have closed off a section of the church steps in Main Street. This is because that part of the staircase has been deemed to be unsafe.

The public right of way which is 1.5 metres wide on the southern section of the steps is therefore not available but walkers can still use the remaining section of the steps.

If you look at the picture above you will see that some of the stones are very worn and dropping while we are concerned at the deterioration of the pointing in not only that section but across the whole staircase.

The matter is being addressed by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and we have already had some initial discussions with Bradford Metropolitan District Council and Haworth with Stanbury Community Council about the problem.

As ever it’s a matter of funding. We have already received an architect’s report on the structure and the PCC is examining what grant-funding streams may be available while, at the same time maintaining the thoroughfare up and down the steps available to pedestrians.

John Huxley, the Church’s Health & Safety Officer, said: “We are doing our best to expedite matters as soon as we can and we are trying to keep residents and visitors safe at the same time.”

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