Fresh nesting

The call of rooks high up in trees in St Michael’s churchyard has long been a background noise to worship there, always particularly noticed when the clergy were praying Matins in the otherwise quiet early morning.  Here is the nest which has appeared this week on the statue of St Michael high up on the east front of the church, along with the substantial debris below dropped during the messy building process.

Anthony Bennett, our Curate, has been putting up a fresh mid-week reflective piece on our churches’ Facebook pages ( and for a few weeks now, complementing the weekly Sunday worship which we share with our partners at West Lane Baptist Church in particular.  Today, for the first time, he simply shares praying Matins for today.  On Saturday at 2.00 p.m. he will also be sharing the on-line version of the celebration of creation which would have been happening at St Gabriel’s. 

Julie Roberts, our Associate Priest, now offers individual conversations and prayers with any who use Zoom; she is on 645102.  And the Archbishop of Canterbury has launched a free phone line (0800 804 8044) called Daily Hope where there are options to hear hymns and share prayers.   

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