Gathering things together in one place on 23 June

We finally began limited opening for tourists yesterday (22 June) and today (23 June).  The Friends’ of the Bronte Church will now be stewarding some opening times: 12.00 noon – 3.30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays  and Sundays (but not 27 June; they’ll be beginning Sunday opening the following week 4 July).  Our thanks to them!

We have Communion (at 9.30 at St Gabriel’s and 11.00 at St Michael’s) this Sunday (27 June) and Morning Worship (same times) next Sunday (4 July).  We are still at the mask wearing, sitting well apart and not singing stage of release from lockdown, but it seems to work.

Gyles Bradreth was in and around the church a while ago (and while he was here he recorded a greeting which we included in one of our Sunday Worship videos) and the resulting Bronte related TV programme is now due for broadcast on Tuesday 29  June at 9.00 p.m. on Channel 5.

Our Parochial Church Council finally meets for the first time in ages on the following day (Wednesday 30 June) and will try to think widely about what the next stages in our parish life should be

The weekly on-line video Sunday Worship themselves have come to an end – a combination of increasing work post-lockdown and clergy holidays through July and August means we simply won’t be able to do this well.  But West Lane Baptist Church and St Mary’s, Oxenhope are among churches live streaming their Sunday worship on their Facebook pages, and those who sample these might feed back to us, please, if something like this might be useful from us as well.  

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