Keeping Holy Week

The parishes’ supply of Palm Crosses are being blessed and will eventually find their way into many homes.  Meanwhile, do fashion some sort of cross to put in your window for Palm Sunday and for Holy Week. 

Our shared Palm Sunday service is on West Lane Baptist Church’s Facebook page from 10.30, and remains accessible at any time after that.

Our material for Palm Sunday is now on our Bronte Virtual Church site, including a summary of the support available locally for the isolated and vulnerable, a reflection and prayers.

Our Curate’s three video reflections for Holy Week (or for 9.00 a.m., 12.00 noon and 3.00 p.m. on Good Friday) are on our parishes’ Facebook pages.

Below you will find details of an unusual and valuable opportunity to download a modern Passion Play being made specially available to us.  It would be the highlight of any Holy Week.

The picture is one of the Stations of the Cross in St James’, Cross Roads.

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