Lent and family life

For the first part of this week, those taking part in our Lent activities are praying for each other as Christian disciples in family lives.  This was the second biggest category of answers when we asked fifty people about where they spend their time.  Strikingly, helping look after grandchildren was mentioned most often.  Quite a number of others are caring for and supporting sick or elderly children, partners and parents.  Distinctive words included ‘being there’, ‘home making’, enjoying, loving and visiting.  There may also be more troubled relationships and loneliness which others were less willing to write down.  Small groups will be meeting to reflect a bit about this at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday at 78 Prince Street repeated at 10.15 a.m. on Wednesday at St James’; for our Bible Study we will look at 1 Timothy 5.   

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