It was the Parish of Haworth with Stanbury’s Annual Meeting in St Michael and All Angels on Thursday evening we elected two new Churchwardens, Jonathan Newton (pictured left) and Susan Clements.
They are stepping into post following the long-serving Peter Breed who retired at the meeting after serving the Church for ten years. He was thanked by the Rector Oli Preston and together with his wife Hilary received a presentation to mark the appreciation of the congregation.
Rev Oli also thanked Jonathan and Susan for stepping forward to take up the challenge as Churchwarden and they will be officially sworn in nest month.
At the same time Chris Tordoff retired after 17 years service on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) as a representative for St Gabriel’s at Stanbury.
Chris was replaced on the PCC by one of two new members Lesley O’Brien, a long-standing member of the Stanbury congregation. The other new recruit was Philip Turner. Marilyn Prince and Sue Burnett were re-elected.