Our annual ‘pulpit swap’ isn’t going to work out as we had planned on Sunday (24th February). Father Dennis from Our Lady’s Catholic Church has broken his leg and is off work so won’t be preaching at St Michael’s on Sunday. We wish him a speedy recovery! Our own Peter Wilson (who was already going to take the service) will be doing so instead. But our own Rector (Peter Mullins) will be preaching at the 10.30 service at West Lane Baptist Church and Joe Smith (from West Lane Baptist Church) will be preaching at the 10.30 Mass at Our Lady’s. Meanwhile, the picture comes from our All Age Worship last Sunday which included creating a Fairtrain – both a special train on the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway and sale of Zaytoun fairy traded olive oil will be features of our worship at St Michael’s on the next two Sundays will be local ways of marking Fair Trade Fortnight.